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Purchase of Credits

Purchase of Credits on Europ-Ads.com

Do you want to buy Credit from your Europ-Ads.com account? 

Nothing could be easier to promote your classified ads online (from €5 to €500 euros depending on your needs).


  1. 1/ Log in to your account and click on your first name to go directly to your “Dashboard” page (customer area). If you have credit (it is displayed in Euros in the top rectangle, otherwise click on the “Buy credits” button.

  2. 2/ On the “Credits” purchase page, you can choose according to your needs a “Credit from your account” available to highlight your future classified ads. Then choose between €5, €10, €20, €50, €100 and above or €500 and above.

    3/ On the “Payment” page, you have access to the “Price to pay”, with the purchase reference. A Payment block with the “following Options”: PAYPAL, or PAYPAL 4XFREE. If you do not have a PAYPAL account, you can pay by credit card (BANK CARD and black button).




