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Paid Options

Paid Options on EUROP-Ads.com

Welcome to the “Paid Ad Options” page of our website. On the “Dashboard”, they are called “Top”, “Premium”, “Urgent Logo” and “Framed Ad”!

1/ Log in to your “Member/Pro Account”, or create a new EUROP-Ads.com account (by typing “europ ads com” into Google)!
2/ You are on your “Dashboard” where the following information is displayed (in the form of links): “Dashboard”, Personal information” and “Buy credits”!
3/ On the “Member/Pro Account” page, you have access to “Published Advertisements”. To select a “Paid Option”, you must “check” the box (to the right of the ad) and click on the “Add Options” button. Or, click on the Advertisement to view and choose one of the “4 Paid Options”!
4/ From your “Dashboard”, you can choose a “Classified Ad” by checking the “empty” box (to the right of the photo) and click on the “Add Options” button.

5/ Do you want to put your “Free Ad” with the “ADVERTISE IN HEAD” option? This will go up either from: My ad goes to the top every day for: 


7 Day(s): €15.00 My ad goes to the top every day for: 

15 Day(s): €25.00 My ad goes to the top every day for: 

30 Day(s): €40.00 My ad goes to the top every day for: 

37 Day(s): €55.00 My ad goes to the top every day for: 

45 Day(s): €65.00 My ad goes to the top every day for: 

60 Day(s): €90.00


6/ Do you want to put your “Free Ad” with the “PREMIUM AD Option? This will be “Featured” either:


My premium ad for: 7 Day(s): €5.00 My premium ad for: 15 Day(s): €10.00 My premium ad for: 30 Day(s): €20.00 My premium ad for: 37 Day(s): €25.00 My premium ad for: 45 Day(s): €30.00 My premium ad for: 60 Day(s): €40.00


7/ Do you want to put your “Free Ad” with the “URGENT LOGO Option? This will be “Featured” either:


Urgent logo on my ad for: 7 Day(s): €3.00 Urgent logo on my ad for: 15 Day(s): €5.00 Urgent logo on my ad for: 21 Day(s): €7.00 Urgent logo on my ad for: 30 Day(s): €9.00 Urgent logo on my ad for: 37 Day(s): €12.00 Urgent logo on my ad for: 44 Day(s): €15.00 Urgent logo on my ad for: 60 Day(s): €20.00


8/ Do you want to put your “Free Ad” with the “FRAMED AD Option? This will be “Featured” either:


My ad Framed for: 30 Day(s): €10.00 My ad Framed for: 60 Day(s): €20.00 My ad Framed for: 90 Day(s): €30.00 My ad Framed for: 120 Day(s): €40.00
